Baroness Eowyn Amberdrake

Elevated for scribal arts and stained glass, Eowyn has since published research on a variety of topics, particularly heraldry, Pictish and other Insular art of the first millennium, and embroidery.

Elevated on Nov. 17, 1979
By Balin and Amsha
King and Queen of Caid

Web Site: Eowyn’s Enchieridion
Blog: Eowyn's Artifacts





Other Awards: Pelican 11/20/82, Court Baroness 6/4/88, Baroness of Lyondemere 7/14/01 to present, Legion of Courtesy 1/15/83, A & S Pentathlon Champion 1980 and 1999, Lion's Paw of Lyondemere 7/21/81 and 7/15/00, Augmentation of Arms 6/8/02

Clarion Queen of Arms (1984 - 1986)
Author of Compleat Anachronist #61, An Encheiridion -- The Education of a Scribe; #116, I See By your Outfit: Order Robes Medieval and Modern; #118, Characteristically Pictish: an Analysis of Ornament in Carved Stone.
Editor and contributor to Compleat Anachronist #50: Heraldic Display, and #100, A Veiled Reference


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