Master Timotheus Zacharia von Schloss Zwilling

Brewing and Bookbinding

Elevated November 22, 1986
By Edward and Ilaria
King and Queen of Caid

Email Timotheus


Brewmaster; Right Noble Brewers Guild;Caid.
Chatalaine-at-Large; Caid.
Chief; Barbarian Freehold Alliance.

Honorable Chief; Barbarian Freehold Alliance.
Sage; Altavian Baronial Advisor.

  Other Awards: Court Barony 5/22/10, Crescent 9/6/03, Crescent 1/10/04, Dolphin 4/20/85, Sable Fret 5/84 (Altavia), Sable Fret Augmentation 5/85, 5/87, 5/90, 5/91, 5/94, 5/95/, 5/96, 5/98, 5/00, 5/01, 5/02, 5/03, 5/04, 5/05, 4/06, 5/07, 4/08, 5/09 (Altavia).

Other interests; Crosstitch, Blackwork, Bobbin Lace, Persona, Cooking

Will teach classes and road trip it; Brewing, Bookbinding, Bobbin Lace,


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